Greta Thunberg, this name has graced the headlines of numerous publications across the globe. The impassioned efforts of the Nobel Peace Prize nominee have inspired countless campaigns against climate change. Honouring the work of the renowned Swedish environmental activist is the picture book Greta and the Giants.

Penned by Zoe Tucker and illustrated by Zoe Persico, this captivating picture book uses astounding illustrations and engaging story-telling to make the vital topic of deforestation and climate change accessible to young minds, all packaged in simple language as well.

The story begins with the introduction of Greta, a little girl who inhabits a dense forest along with myriad fauna of the forest. One day, she notices the increased intrusion of giants (who represent adults) in her forest. The giants have been described as routine visitors of the forest; however, their increased and unbalanced intrusion had now forced the many animals of the forest to seek help from Greta.

The giants, or adults, would frequent the forest for its many gifts such as timber and fuel, but their greed had now overpowered their wisdom, which was leading to the slow but steady depletion of the verdant forestland, which many like Greta called their home.

Finding the urge to halt these giants in their track, Greta made a signboard reading STOP. She held that sign high up and waited for the giants to read it and follow suit. On the first day, the giants brushed her away and stomped past her into the heart of the jungle. The next day, a young boy joined her with the sign LISTEN.

Soon Greta found a steady stream of people joining her with signs such as SAVE OUR FOREST, OUR HOME IS ON FIRE, WE LIVE HERE, and HELP!

The ardent cry of Greta followed “Your greedy behaviour is spoiling our home. You’ve broken the trees and trampled the flowers and now the bees and birds have flown away. These animals are homeless and our forest is dying.”

The trickle of people became a tsunami of concerned forest inhabitants, which made the giants stop in their tracks and take notice. The power of unison and a voice of reason made the giants realise their mistake.

The most beautiful and thought-provoking aspect of the picture book lies in the part where the author talks about the giants taking up new hobbies, renewing their interests and putting a pause to the unchecked frenzy of perceived progress.

Lastly, Greta and the Giants introduces readers to the legend of Greta Thunberg. With her inspiring quote “No one is too small to make a difference”, the author urges readers to imbibe and implement small actions that can make a vast difference and help Greta in her fight with the real giants that continues in reality.

Climate change is a burning issue (pun intended) that every child is fundamentally aware of. When they’re introduced to inspiring climate activists, however, their perspective changes, they begin to look at climate change as a real issue, and they find the motivation to take the little steps they can.

Hand the picture book Greta and the Giants to your little one and gift them a tool of change.