“Children cannot bounce off the walls if we take away the walls.”- Erin Kenny

How would you feel if you were robbed of your right to play in your childhood? To be forbidden to leave the house and stay holed up inside? To be forced to gaze at the raindrops from indoors and not feel the warm sun on your skin? Unfortunately, the ongoing global pandemic has done exactly this to the current generation of children. As curfews and lockdowns were imposed worldwide, children not getting to play seemed like the last thing on anyone’s mind. The long-term implications of this, however, are rather grim.

Outdoor play is essential for motor skill development and building cardiovascular endurance in children. Active play keeps obesity at bay and ensures the daily requirements of Vitamin D are fulfilled. Not to mention the psychological impact of no contact with peers on the minds of children.

As the world has started finding back its groove, children have had no choice but to adapt and find ways to play, against all odds. Here’s what play looks like for children, in times of covid.

Masks on. Game on.

More books less bats and balls.

Indoor football. Awaiting outdoor explore.

 Phones > Playgrounds  

Cards & Carrom > Climbing & Running Competitions

No time for real play time.

Play with social distance, a new existence.

Play at bay. A childhood delay?

Team sports = Screen shots

Snakes & Ladders. But what after?